Excellent Animation Skills, but...
Your animation was very nice and smooth for the most part, there were some simple anatomy inconsistancies that bothered me, but its a small thing. Your use of pictures as backgrounds worked rather well, good job!
My complaint is the story of this animation. From what I saw here the characters are just a bunch of pretencious assholes. All we saw was that they were misfits in class and didn't get along with the other students. They also bullied smaller students, going so far as to tie them up and leave them in a dangerous situation in the storm. I can't relate to the dream of being an artistic soul when they spend their free time abusing others. Maybe if you had shown that they had a hard life, maybe having to work a job or do hard chores at home as well as working hard at school.
Overall, your animation skills are good, but your storytelling needs work. Keep it up!